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The Doctor to Doctor Mentoring Group

Building better practices one doctor at a time.

The SiteMed Mentoring Group is an intensive one-on-one program designed to help physicians increase their cash based business, decrease reliance on insurance billing and provide a better quality of life along the way.

Is this Mentoring Group right for me?

Our Program has helped physicians

Make slow practices busy and busy practices more rewarding
Who were overworked find balance
Implement cash based revenue streams into their medical practice
Rebrand their practice and maximize income
Jump start an underperforming practice

How does this work?

We understand every physician is unique. Some are looking to get busier, others to slow down. Some want to retire or have more time to spend with family. Others are looking to build the next medical superpower in their hometown. This is not a one size fits all plan. 

That’s why we start with an extensive questionnaire about you, your practice style, current practice environment, financial situation, wants, needs, practice strengths and weaknesses, and short and long term goals. From here we begin the process of getting to know you and your practice. This can take place via in-depth telephone calls, in person and through email. 

We then begin the process of formulating a personalized business plan to best fit your needs and practice style. We help you develop the step by step plan required to achieve your goals. This is done by utilizing a combination of cash based medical exams, marketing assistance, personalized medical office review and one-on-one mentoring. 

Why do I need a mentor? I’m a smart doctor!

It has taken us over 12 years to build the practice we have today. Many times during those years, we wished we could have had a mentor to help us along the way.This would have allowed us to not only expand our business more quickly, but also avoid all the costly missteps along the way. 

"If I knew then what I know now". This is a common refrain among doctors looking back on their practices. Most physicians have little or no business skills related to running a practice, much less contract negotiations or cash based business plans. Many have missed out on $200,000 or more in revenue due to management issues and missed opportunities. Almost all doctors have wished they could have had a mentor who has “been there and done that” to show them the way. 

Here is what one of your mentees had to say:

"Dr's Fernandez and Walker asked me questions about my practice problems and goals and came up with a plan of action for me and my clinic. Now that I have implemented their recommendations, I project I will have $10,000 to $15,000 more revenue per month. This is a God-send for my cash flow!"

What happens after we set goals?

Setting goals is just the beginning. We then begin a systematic step by step process to help you implement your short and long term goals. We stay in touch through regular phone calls, emails and are there to support and help you throughout the process. From staff training to marketing assistance and proposal consulting, we're there for you. Many times, goals may shift along the way as other opportunities arise. That's ok, and we can always reevaluate and plan as necessary. 

What does this cost?

Less than you might think. Our strategies, when properly implemented will more than pay for the mentoring program. 

With over 22 years combined experience, the program works. 
Stop being frustrated and start building the practice and lifestyle you deserve. 

Call us today at 1-888-837-4819 for a free consultation.

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